Atari trying to escape all the people, babies, and food
My brother Bobby with the twins (Kelsey had a rough time) not sure if it was allergies but anytime we would go to grandmas she would bang her head on the ground and throw fits. Jim had to leave with them one night to go back to the hotel because she was out of control.
This was the first Friday on the square in July, this Friday will be another one we may go.
This was fathers day!
See how behind I am, this was back in June at Carla's she invited us over to play with Isabella's sand and water table. Since it was soooo hot, we couldn't do anything we thought this was a cool off activitiy. Yeah Kelsey loved it and was covered from head to toe in SAND.. Note to self if I ever buy this table or someone buys it for us do not buy sand I will put water in both sides since sand is no fun to clean up.
Okay I know its been over a month since the last post, seriously I have been staying busy this summer. Of course keeping the twins busy too :) we are trying to be outside as much as possible since I dont want them in front of the tv. However when its really hot we have to get creative and find things to do inside.
The twins really love playing with SIDEWALK chalk and whoever invented it ROCKS. The twins love it and it keeps them busy outside. We play in the backyard since they have their swingset and I can let them run around the back yard and know they can't get out and go in the street. They color with sidewalk chalk on the patio in the shady spots (well I shouldnt say color, since they don't draw elaborate pictures) just lines. However its better than nothing and they usually see me draw or write something and want to copy.
Last week we took a trip to Charlotte North Carolina to see my grandma who turned 90 last month. Jim and I went a couple years ago before the kids. We had talked about going a few months ago but my dad said they werent going to be able to make it, then out of the blue he said they were leaving on Tuesday and driving. So we booked last minute plane tickets and went. It was great since my grandma has not seen any of the great grandkids, plus I got to see Atari. Jim and I saw Atari last year when he was like a month old when we went to MN.
Next year there is talk of renting a beach house in NC and taking grandma there and spending a week, so we are definaltey looking forward to that plan. If we can all get on the same page and get it organized.
Carson got ear tubes the 9th of July and he is doing SO much better! He is talking more now and sleeping better. Saying please, cup, ball, juice, shoe, sissy. He knows more when you talk to him he just cant say the words yet. Kelsey could care less about saying words, she does say EI EI O they have a video that has old Macdonald song on it.
Overall just so happy :). We are still working on using silverware to eat with, I have not been pushing it since its so hard with 2. I got rid of their high chairs and they exclusivley sit at their table now (which is hard because 1 or both get up during meals and wander). Ugh!!! I need to get them using the spoon at least when I have they do a couple scoops then its all over the place I know I need to chill but I really would love my floors to stay clean for a day. It will come in time, they start MDO soon so maybe they will pick it up from the other kids. We have tried potty training, but no go. They go in the bathroom and Kelsey gets the seat but then when I put it on the potty she gets mad. That will come in time too!!! not pushing that one.
Church activities start up again this week so now I will be back working Wednesday nights, Sunday mornings, nights (Sun nights start the 16th) and Tuesday mornings starting Sept. Which is good I will get out of the house in the winter and its only a couple hours a time. Sundays are going to be hard because I work the nursery in the mornings, then church service, then home by 1 and then back to church by 4:15. It will work out, and nothing is definate so if I dont want to work a Sunday night for awhile then I wont.
Sorry pictures are all out of whack I hate blogger and dont know how to organize the pictures!!! Well I must go now, I have alot to do while the twins are napping. (YES they are finally taking 1 long nap) usually 10-11 and they sleep until 1230-1 ish.....