Heres the crazy haired girl this is what her hair looked like after her bath tonight
Its been a busy week plus Jim has been working away that I haven't had a chance to get on the laptop to post pictures and update our blog. The twins are getting big and teething really bad still I think its molars, when I was working at church on Tuesday morning they had to come get me to see Carson (they had him in the hallway looking at the fish tank) but he was in bad shape. Wednesday they went to Moms Day out, I went to work out and came home to clean up a bit. Then I went to get the mail and there was a box from our renter in Pea Ridge, she had sent us back the garage door openers and keys and a letter. Apparently she lost her job due to illness and had to move to Texas to get tests done. She was only here a month, so after I picked the twins up we went by to see the house (make sure it was clean) etc and put the sign up. A lady called me that night and we met her Thursday and she rented it. She rents in the same neighborhood but the house she is in sold so they have to be out.
Last night I went to Dillards (since they are having an additional 40% off the clearance price) sale, I got a pair of POLO jeans for 23.00 I love POLO jeans probably because the way they are cut I was able to get a small size. I got a cashmere sweater for 17.00 and another sweater for 12.oo it took me awhile to shop around the store since stuff was everywhere. I really needed to get a pair of brown shoes (like dressy/casual type) like Echos or something but none of them were on sale. I need to look at Belks I seem to find deals on shoes there. Alot of it had been picked through or they only had sizes I didnt wear. Now that I know what departments to go to next time it wont be as hard. Jim went today and got some work shirts and a couple casual shirts he said it was pretty much cleaned out as well. He goes more than I do so he can get in and out pretty quick. I also went to Chick Fil-A by myself (I went through the drive thru) before I went to Dillards it was nice to have a meal by myself and not have anyone bug me.
Today I woke up about 8:15 Saturdays are my day to sleep in, I could hear the twins fussing in our room though. Carson was having a melt down in his high chair so I was up but not out of bed. I got up had some cereal and a Coke Zero (I dont drink Coffee) so thats my caffiene. We were a few minutes late to swim lessons (Jim was on his blackberry when we left the house) and he forgot his backpack so we had to get back in the car and come back home to get it. There were only 3 kids in class today not sure why, the snow had not started to come down yet. Then Jim was going to go to Sams to get the swingset for the twins but didnt want to unload it in this weather maybe tomorrow. Otherwise next week, he has to get it first then call the guy to come install it and he only has a couple weeks left before it hits busy swing set installation season.