Thursday, September 9, 2010


Its really been a long time since my last post now that the twins are in school every day maybe I will have more time. I am not promising anything but I will try.

A couple weekends ago our neighbor invited us over for his grandsons birthday party (he said if you dont come I would have wasted money on pony rides for nothing). The twins loved it we had italian ice too!!

Then we went to get the twins full size mattresses for their birthdays (we are seperating their rooms ) and since their beds convert why not. I am hoping the seperating of the rooms helps with some sleeping issues (ie napping).

We took the gate off the door to the twins bedroom, its been an interesting 2 weeks at bedtime. I have ended up having to go in there with them and lay down to sleep so they will go to bed. I really need to break that though I dont want them to rely on me to go to bed. However after about an hour or so of going up and down the stairs I give in since I am so worn out from that

I signed Kelsey up for ballet and tap yesterday at Kalediscope dance studio on the square she will go Monday afternoons from 3-3:30 and will be with other kids her own age... My friend Tiffany from church gave me ballet shoes and I found tap shoes in her size at Goodwill this way we can try it and see if she likes dance before spending a fortune on shoes.
She starts next Monday I cant wait I need to make sure my camera is charged up :).

Daddy found a new park by the old Sams club home office its like in the middle of a neighborhood and hardly anyone is there so thats where we spent Labor Day for a little bit.

Friday, March 12, 2010


The kids had not napped on Sunday since this was post race and we were holding off naps for the ride home. Didnt go to well for US the twins only napped for like 20 minutes REALLY are you kidding me. We had team Hancock shirts made so its the same logo as the Hancock movie :)

We went to Little Rock last Saturday the LR marathon was Sunday and Jim,Floyd,Mikel and Lynn ran the relay. So Saturday we got the twins haircuts and crewcuts and pigtails Carson Loved it since he got to eat food while they cut his hair, Kelsey not so much. She wouldn't get into the car they had to take her in the back room and do it on her terms... (surprise surprise). Since it was their very first hair cuts we paid a little more and got the picture and piece of hair for their baby books.
We got a new computer (much needed) since our other one was from 03. This one is super fast and has a 25" monitor (which the twins like because I play tv programs or their videos on this to change it up during the day and they LOVE IT).
We also had to get a new printer since the old one wouldnt be compatible with windows 7, its an all in one again and its wireless so we dont have all the cables and Jim can print from the laptop since thats what he wanted for his teaching.
On the other note the laptop is moving very slow looks like we will be buying a new one next year. Oh well they are pretty cheap and Jim is the one that uses it for his teaching I could care less.
Now with a new computer I have no excuse for not sending pictures to SAMS to get developed, I never did it because the computer was SO slow and uploading and I always had to plug my camera into it now I can put my card in so much easier.
Its cold and icky here I was really hoping the warm weather would have stayed around but it didnt. I like the WARM because we can go out and play all day on the swingset go for wagon rides play with sidewalk chalk, have picnics outside and get messy :).
Tomorrow is the Bentonville Half Marathon Jim and I are doing the 5K Mikel and Lynn are doing the half. So Jims parents are coming into town to watch the kiddos while we run it. I love when company comes because I get a semi break from my kids meaning they have someone else to hold them and love on them other than me all the time. LOVE MY KIDS to DEATH but also need my breaks.

Monday, January 25, 2010


Okay I know its been since the twins birthday at the end of Novemeber since I have posted... I really have no time anymore except on Wednesdays when they twins go to MOMS day OUT. And then the 4 hours I have is precious and I need to get "other" stuff done. One of my resolutions for this year is to be on top of the blogging and to get better about getting pictures developed since I have tons on the computer just not developed... Part of that is we need a new computer since this thing is very SLOW so it makes picture downloading not fun.

Christmas has come and gone (I will post pictures later) the twins had a great time. We have been to birthday parties, church activites start up again and we have been sick. Both have colds again and look just sickly. We have had a big snow storm the beginning of the year (my mom was here to help with the twins since school was out all week) and I was ready to lose it since the twins had not been to MOMS day out for 3 weeks.

Jim and I also got a new mattress OMG wonderful we were so overdue for one its not even funny I sleep so much better and love it plus it was a great deal.
We had the roof replaced on our Fayetteville house along with gutters and flashing put on this house. OF course all of this including the mattress was done on the Dave RAMSEY plan which meant we had the cash for it and didnt have to finance anything or stress out about it.
I am getting ready for the Rhea Lanas consignment sale in March I started ironing my items the other night and stopped since I worked a couple hours. I will continue tonight and get everything cleaned and ironed so I can tag and enter it into the computer. I did well in the fall sale and am hoping to do better in this one.

More pictures soon promise... I did get a new camera for Christmas