Tuesday, December 23, 2008


No pictures we are all sick. All of us have colds (which we have been battling since Friday). On top of that we took the babies to the dr today (before the holidays) and as I thought (mothers intuition) Carson has a double ear infection. Kelsey has an ear infection (the NP thought it was wax first and took that out then saw the infection) also she has pink eye and I have PINK EYE.
I thought Kelsey had it yesterday b/c her eye was really matted and I kept having to clean it. Then of course today my eye was killing me, at first I thought maybe I had an eye lash in it and it didn't dawn on me at the peditricians office to ask her to look at my eye (shes a peditrician) and I was concerned about the babies and it didnt look that bad. By the time I got home from picking up ALL OF THE PERSCRIPTIONS (like 4 of them) and only 2 of them were 4.00 each (nice) my eye was swollen and really red. Jim said I better call the dr tomorrow I said I better just head up to WellQuest which I did and they got me in right away. Great place to go if you have to go after the drs office closes or you cant get in right away. You have to wait awhile sometimes (but you usually have to wait at the drs office too). The dr walked in the room and wouldn't shake my hand because he didnt want it and told me I definatley have it and he gave me some different drops then what the babies have (this one has a stereoid in it). Nice!!!
I have to use it 4x a day and Jim is using it too since he doesnt want it either.
My mom comes in tomorrow hopefully I can see to drive and pick her up (or I will be calling Jim).
In a nutshell! The NP at the peditricians office said here are perscrptions and ear infections for Christmas. HA HA!!!!

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