Thursday, March 19, 2009

Kelsey and the balloon

Jim got me this balloon for Valentines day and its still full of air, its slowly going down but come on its been over a month. The twins love playing with it, here is Kelsey Belsey walking with it... She has been walking for the last 2 weeks off and on but yesterday she started walking more and not crawling as much. She is definaltey getting better and not as wobbly as she was last week. I need her to walk because I am sick of holes in knees of pants from crawling :) (we have already ruined 2 pairs of pants) no worries I cut one pair of jeans into cut offs.

Thursday, March 12, 2009


The swingset is still not completly put together due to weather, however the side where the twins can swing is done. So on Tuesday I took them out to swing for a bit before the rain and colder weather moved in. It should be done by this weekend, this thing is bigger than we thought it was going to be but will bring loads of fun this summer.

Kelsey Belsey found Jim's razorback so she just happened to be playing with it on Monday beofre bed time.. Our desktop computer crashed on Sunday and we lost everything not backed up on the external hard drive. We need to wait until bonus time next year to get a new computer which I am fine with. I am on it way too much anyway, as long as I can check email and facebook and print stuff we are good. So I was dinking around with that and Jim told me to come in the living room with the camera to watch her play with the razorback.

I could not mute Dora in the background without having to move the camera so Dora is our background noise. Sometimes I think we watch way too much tv, now that the weather will warm up soon we will be enjoying the swingset and I will be able to plant my impatients this year. I know how to do it this year so they will get really big (last year the twins were like 4 months old when I planted them) and I did not have any time to take care of them. This year I am committed to taking care of them.

Friday, March 6, 2009

Playing on the sofa

They love playing on the sofa now, if I sit here at all during the day Carson goes UH UH UH until he gets his way and gets up there.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

15 month appointment

Yesterday was the twins 15 month appointment it was great, they did not fuss at all (well except for shots)but only for a minute. Wal-Mart is covering well visits now well 80% of them so we only had to pay 20% I forgot that they dont BILL you for those you have to pay at their office. Good thing Jim was with me and had his debit card because they dont take discover. I guess I need to remember that for their 18 month visit. They were kind of fussy today (from the shots) so I kept them in my room at church tonight (normally I put them in the other 1yr old room but decided not to have to put someone else through the fussiness) and Carson did not nap today.

Kelsey is 19lbs 12 oz and os 30 1/4 inches long (no surprise there) since she is so long
Carson is 20 lbs, 8 oz and is 29 1/2 inches long so he is catching up to his sissy
I have some pictures from yesterday and a video which I will post later on this week, Jim has the laptop and it takes FOREVER on this computer. Tomorrow night is Bunco and Friday I have a ladies night out with the girls from church dinner and possibly a movie (I will need to see what time the movie starts) since if its too late I may not make it.

We are getting the swingset installed this weekend and are very excited, my baby swings came in to Wal-Mart today and Jim is going to pick them up at the store tomorrow after work. Its good they came in so we can have them up at the same time.