Pretty girl she is getting so big (well her attitude is a big girl one)
Daddy has been on vacation so I decided to try letting the twins sit at their table more, eat there play there etc... They have had breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks there with plates and silverware (that part isnt going to well) and so far so good, this does not mean I am getting rid of high chairs since this may not last. I had been thinking about using the table again for awhile and thought why not do it now.
We went to the Tulsa Zoo today, Jim's friend got a flyer on his door with a coupon for 2 free entries (the twins were free anyway) so all we had to pay for was gas and lunch at the zoo (rip off) prob should have eaten before going. It was a disaster for the most part, the twins were tired (we thought they would nap on the way there nope didnt happen). They were hungry and wouldnt eat, wanted out of the stroller then they didn't want to walk etc.... We were there about 2 hrs and had to leave I had it. Maybe we will try again next year (or when we can reason with them).
The twins are 18 months today! MAN DOES it fly by they will move up to the older class for swimming so that is exciting. Same day just different time and Kelsey climbed out of her crib against yesterday DADDY will be lowering that mattress tomorrow. :) I thought she learned after the 1st time.