Tuesday, June 9, 2009

18 month appointment

No shots today for the twins (YES) they don't need them until there 2 yr visit.
Carson has an ear infection (which I figured because he was not napping well, not eating well, he kept falling yesterday) so we got some drops and an antibiotic for that. Also, their excezma has flared up bad to the point where Carson itched it open yesterday so she gave me a perscription for a stereroid ointment which we will try and see a dermatologist later.

Carson is 32 1/2 inches long and weighs 21 pounds, 10 oz
Kelsey is 32 3/4 inches long and weighs 20 pounds, 2 oz
We had to see the Nurse practioner because our Dr is going to Africa to be a missionary in January however has cut is hours back significantly. I did not make the twins 2 yr appt yet because Jim and I still are discussing where we are going. Probably to a family practice dr that our neighbors go to and have rave reviews.

I haven't really blogged on here about Kelsey but she rolls her eyes in the back of her head, now mostly when she is swinging and the Nurse said as long as she isnt blanking out she is fine. She may be doing it on the swing because she thinks its funny. Jim and I are supposed to watch her (I have never seen her do it) and if she blanks out for a minute or so then we need to see a neurologist so they can run tests and see if she is having seizures or not. The NP said a nurse will call us with a referral and appt. so we have to discuss that. I am praying its nothing but want to be sure we are doing the right thing.

My mom was here all week which I so appreciated I was able to sleep in and she helped clean the house, clean out the fridge, gave me time to do stuff with out the kids. I really appreciate her for coming to see us. She is coming back in August, now that she is retired she can stay longer :).

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