Okay so today I really didn't get alot accomplished as I had wanted to. I managed to get 1 load of laundry done and it was all the kids stuff ( I wanted to get the floors vacuumed and mopped and the mirrors in the bathrooms cleaned) since Jim is on vacation this week. Tomorrow Jim and I will work on these things and get it done faster and hopefully all while the babies are napping.
Jim had to get a root canal done today and Breigh-Anna (our old neighbor girl) came over to see the babies for a few minutes and then Tricia (a friend from church) came over to pick up the maternity clothes I had borrowed from her (THANK YOU TRICIA) she saved me a bunch of money. I gave her back her clothes plus some I bought at consignment and some a neighbor had given me. In between all of that I had Kelsey crying at the top of her lungs and Carson needing a diaper change and crying as well I made it through. I have learned however that sleep when the babies sleep! Accept the fact that my house is not going to be as clean as I would like it and if I manage to get a shower in great :) if I don't start sleeping when they sleep I am going to drive myself and Jim crazy as I get really moody with a lack of sleep.
Then this afternoon we went to Mikel and Lynns house Jims parents were here for a few days and Jims grandparents came up for a visit to see Dunning.
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