I didn't post anything yesterday because as usual Mondays are busy. The babies were very fussy and needy yesterday if it wasn't Kelsey it was Carson and vice versa. I did manage to get some laundry done but not all of it. Since it was warm out yesterday I decided to take the babies on a walk around the neighborhood in the stroller thinking it would knock them out so I could get some things done, well it knocked them out until we got home then Kelsey started in. It basically went downhill from there :) Jim played raquetball after work so he didnt get home until 7ish then we ate dinner and I basically let him handle the babies as I was really tired and needed to get sleep.
Today has been much better, the babies have slept really well this morning and afternoon hopefully they can stay on this plan all day as Jim is out of town until Thursday (he normally has them from 7 on) so I can get some rest since I do the all night shift. I don't know if I posted or not but we have moved the twins up to their nursery, they are still getting up at night but it is usually @ 2:30 or 3am and then again at 5-7ish and by that time I am usually ready to get up. Jim can't wait until he can put rice cereal in their last bottle before bed so they will sleep through the night we go to the peditrician on Friday for their 2 month shots and he is going to find out then when we can start doing the cereal.
We did have the twins sleeping in seperate cribs however Jim talked to some people at work that have twins and they said to put them in the same crib for bonding (so tonight I am going to do that) Jim was going to do it lastnight but Carson was really Whiny and cried at the top of his lungs so Jim went up to get him and he slept in the swing lastnight.
Above are some pictures of the babies sleeping they have really grown I cannot believe they are 8 weeks and how time flies. You can see now that Carson is starting to fill out like Kelsey is, I have noticed his legs are bigger now and especially his face/cheeks.
Well I got my post in for the afternoon now the babies are waking up from their nap and I must get them fed at the same time thats the thing with twins when they are little you have to feed them at the same time or you will get no sleep or nothing done.
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