Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Fun Day

Okay so I missed a day on the posting (maybe 2) I told you I would try to keep it updated as often as I could but I am just worn out.

Yesterday we went to Mikel and Lynns house and hung out pretty much all day, Jim and Mikel played video games and Lynn took a nap for a bit so I just watched all of the kiddos. The kiddos were all able to just sit there since they are infants and don't do a lot but I am assuming all of them bonded some how. In case you cannot tell in the picture above, Kelsey, Dunning (in back) and Carson. Dunning has some hair and sideburns (kind of looks like Elvis).
We got home about 7ish last night and fed the twins then Jim went to Buffalo Wild Wings with some friends then today he did the same thing to watch Arkansas in the cotton bowl (pathetic game) then Jim and I went to Dillards, they were having a 50% off the current reduced price sale today only.
Jim got some shirts for work and I just walked around with the stroller :) I still have about 10 pounds to lose from being pregnant and didnt want to buy anything as I don't really have an accurate size yet.
Well I am exhausted! Carson seems to be having a growth spurt or GAS!!! so we havent been sleeping that well. We have stayed consistent on formula and it only seems to be happening at night so I don't think its GAS because he would have an upset stomach all day long. UH! I hope he is good tonight I know they will grow out of it but I want it now.

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