Here is my OMG (OH my GOSH) for the day, so I am at the paint store getting trim for the rental and there is this lady in there. I had the babies in the stroller and they were very good just playing and babbling, anyways the lady asked me what their age difference was. So I thought about how I wanted to answer that quickly, I thought about saying they are 3 minutes apart which is the truth. Then I thought maybe I should tell her they one is 5 months the other is 7 months (I just incubated one of them longer). Maybe she thought one was mine and I was babysitting the other, I don't know but really why would you ask that (that isn't the 1st time someone has asked me). I politley told her they were twins and they are 8 months old, then she asked are they both girls or boys (he was wearing blue she pink) and even if they weren't he looks like a boy and she a girl. At least after telling her that she didn't ask if they were identical (now I know the response for that one) and it is they are identical from waist up. One of my fellow MOMS (Mothers of Multiples) told me thats how she handles that question and people generally get the idea.
The babies did not nap well, we went to the fitness center then came home and napped for maybe 45 minutes then they woke up to eat and we had to go to the rental to meet the termite inspector, then I had to go get paint for the trim and a screen at national. Oh yeah I forgot to go to Sams and get Jim's allergey medication (sorry). Some positive news, a neighbor is going to buy the fridge from the rental so we made 100.00 whoo hoo!! Cathy I did get your message about the carpet stuff, I can't find it here I appreciate the call if I had more time to dink around with it I so would I am going to try the rug dr on Saturday and go from there :). Hopefully since the rug dr is hot steam I can set it on the stain and it will pull it up who knows its worth a try.
Jim priced bamboo today at Sams and we could do the living room and hallway for 1000.00 but we would have to install it ourselves. I havent told Jim yet but I think you can call National or any of those places that contract that out and they can give you numbers of people that would do it and probably cheap since the housing market isn't great and they may need the work, we shall see. He is painting there right now I just got done pulling up my impatients (which I thought I would have time to water this year)I think next year I am planting Dianthyis (sp) or petunias that don't require alot of tlc.
No pictures today since we were sooo busy I had the babies bathed and in bed by 6:15 Jim was kind of bummed out since he had a meeting that ran late and didnt get home until 6, but they need their sleep just like mommy does. I was talking to Jill today and she said Madison started kindergarten (yr round starts a week early) and she got nap time I said to Jill gee I wish I had nap time.. Oh well its all worth it!!!
Maybe pics tomorrow we shall see how we do, we have nothing going on just walking in the morning with Carla and then I think we are going to stay close to the house since we have done a lot of driving this past weekend.