Friday, August 15, 2008

Random Pics and things

I rolled all the way underneath the jumperoo (I have no clue how he got over the humps)

Before church on Sunday!!!

I think this was Monday miss Kelsey did not get her picture taken hardly at all because she was teething bad and was so fussy (Like I don't want to ever do that again fussy).
He is eating a mum mum I found them at Wal-Mart yesterday and he really likes them they dissolve in their mouths so I don't have to worry about him trying to bite into it. I want to start having the babies hold things like food between their fingers for long periods of time.

The babies especially Kelsey have not been napping that well this week so I have not had time to be on the blog and get really much of anything done. I have managed to get laundry done today and some things picked up yesterday but other than that not to much.