Sunday, September 14, 2008

Just hanging out

Carson crawled all around the house today, from living room to kitchen to dining room to office and back to the living room. Jim had left to go wash his car and I believe Carson was sitting by the door waiting for him
There he is talking
Look at Kelsey's arm around Carson, she loves her brother. She also may have been trying to pull him back from playing with the basketball hoop as well.

Carson was sick Friday and Kelsey was sick yesterday all day long! Tylenol did not work I had to give her motrin and Tylenol to get her fever down. She did not want to be put down at all she needed to be held 24/7. Today we had happy babies with no fevers and they napped really well (Carson did, Kelsey only took her morning nap not an afternoon nap).

1 comment:

Renae Burt said...

that is so darling with her arm around him...ohh how cute!!