So I made an appt today to get Carson in to see the dr since he hasn't been feeling well the past couple days. A couple of the girls at story time said he didnt look that great (like maybe an ear infection or something). He had all the symptoms of an ear infection minus the fever. He pulled on his ear, runny nose, doesn't want to nap or fusses when laying down etc.
So after waiting 30 minutes for the dr (I almost packed up and left since Kelsey was getting fussy) turns out its the stomach flu. The dr said it has been going around like crazy, I told him that come to think of it a lady in my moms group emailed the group yesterday saying she had it and knew of someone else who did and their child had to be hospitalized for dehydration. He told me to give him tylenol and motrin and plenty of fluids and it will have to work itself out. Nice!!!! Now I dont feel that great either and I think Kelsey has the stomach flu as well now because of her diapers. I swear the drs office knows us by name we have been there so much this year, also we go tomorrow for their flu shot booster.
Also they didnt have a NAP today at ALL so they were really tired, like Jim couldn't play with them when he got home (usually he plays with them for 30 min or so) but not tonight poor babies. I have a video of Kelsey laughing over nothing (or I cant figure it out) I will post it tomorrow.
Jim got a pt teaching position at the University of Phoenix he starts training on Wednesday (4 Wednesdays) then he teaches a class with a mentor. I am so happy he gets to do this, it will look great on his resume.
Today the information on the MOMS day out program came, I am excited. However starting the beginning of December I will have to pack them a lunch so I have no idea what to pack them (well I know their milk in sippy cups) since we will be experimenting with different foods since they wont need the baby food anymore. I was thinking yogurt, fruit cups (with water only), cheese and bread maybe!!! I will have to research it and just go with it. The first few weeks while in the class they will bring baby food.