Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Kelsey Crawling

You can't really tell here but Kelsey has curly hair (or at least wavy for now) when you look at her though she has some curls behind her ears. I had natural curly hair when I was a baby/toddler we shall see how curly it gets.
Yesterday Dunning came over I watched him while Lynn had an appt the twins were sleeping for most of the time he was here. I guess the entertainment center is appealing to all Hancock babies.

Crawling toward something

She tries to pull up on the jumperoo now, since he does it

There she goes

There she goes again!!

Miss Kelsey is crawling, however she is no where near as fast as Carson but at least she is doing it now. She is also trying to pull herself up to copy her brother :).

I think Carson has another ear infection he woke up off and on last night (I heard him on the monitor) but never went up there. Then today he was very fussy and every time I laid him down to drink his bottle or drink out of the sippy cup he cried. I am going to see how it goes tonight/tomorrow morning and get him in if needed. He does not have a fever and is not pulling on his ears so it may just be teeth but who knows.
Lynn invited us to the pumpkin patch today but with Carson being VERY VERY fussy this morning and I had loads of laundry to do and some housework to do I decided to pass. It was also around their morning nap time and I knew they wouldn't sleep if we were there. (I think we may be slowly weaning out the morning nap).

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