Friday, February 1, 2008

Babies Dr Appt

So the babies slept in today like until 8:30 and I had to wake them up, if we didnt have to go to the peditrician I would have let them sleep. Maybe its a growth spurt or something or that its cold and they didnt want to get up, they woke up at 5am to eat and I put them back down then. I didn't take them upstairs then I left her in the swing and him in the bouncer.

We went to the peditricians office and we got right in which is surprising since they closed early yesterday due to the weather but both babies weight 8lbs 14 oz and Kelsey is 21 3/4 long and Carson is 21 1/4 long. I knew they were bigger obviously by looking at them, but I didnt think almost 9 lbs each I thought maybe they would each be almost 8lbs each, I am not complaining its just that time has flown by.

Tomorrow I get my hair cut last time I had it cut was before Christmas so I am definatley due, then I have to run a couple errands and run by the associate store (last week they had diapers there a limit of 2 pks per family per day) but a pack of 56 diapers there was 4.50 compared to 10 or 11 dollars at WM. They don't have diapers everyweek and its hit or miss on any item, Jim said to just start going every week and see what they have. Then I need to run by the fitness center and work out on the elliptical machine for 30min or so, I was going to go to YOGA last night but b/c of weather that didn't happen.

The babies are sleeping still (since they had to get shots) they briefly woke up and I fed them but now they are out again, I did have to give them a little tylenol as they both had tiny fevers. Hopefully Jim and I will be able to eat dinner before they wake up, I was able to make cookies and dinner (taco soup) and not get interrupted not that I mind but I like to spend as much time with them as I can so if I can get the stuff done early enough then we can hand out.

Well I may post pictures tonight not sure, I have a lot to do as Jim is going out of town next week ALL WEEK!!! so I must start working on the laundry.
I think I may have stated awhile back that we did move the babies upstairs and that Carson is not liking it to well I did ask the peditrician for suggestions he said to let him CRY IT OUT!! they need to learn out to fall asleep so tonight we are going to turn down the monitor and hope for the best (obviously if its more than 2 hrs then I will get them up). Wish us luck!

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