Friday, February 15, 2008

How to feed twins

Here is Carson in the jumperoo I needed to put him in there for 2 reasons, 1 to see if he liked it and to get him used to it so eventually he will figure it out on his own. Reason 2 is I needed to get some stuff done and Kelsey was sleeping in the bouncer so I figured if I could get in 10-15minutes of laundry that would be great. (He doesn't look to happy though) Jim put him in it later on and he was playing with some of the buttons to get the music to come on. He still can not spin around in it and his feet don't quite touch the ground so he cant get it to bounce yet but he will.

Several people ask how do you feed twins? When Jim is home we each take one and feed them however when he is gone (during the day) or when he travels I have a pillow that is designed to feed twins. It is like a boppy pillow only bigger and the babies lay on there in the football hold position. I am attaching the link to the website so you can take a look at the pillow to get a better idea. You can use the pillow to either nurse them or to bottle feed them. With twins it is important that they stay on the same schedule as much as possible when it comes to eating and sleeping. Sometimes during the day I will get them off the schedule by 30 minutes or so but that is it. Usually by 5pm we get them back on the same schedule so I am not up all night. then you click on the feeding link and it will take you to the feeding pillows, just for anyone that is curious.

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