Monday, December 17, 2007

Been a long time

It has been a long time since I have posted anything on here, I guess I got very overwhelmed with pregnancy and the babies that I completley spaced it out. Anyways here is an update (I only have a few minutes as I don't know when these monsters will wake up) I had the babies on 11/29/2007 Kelsey was born at 7:44 am and was 5lbs 9oz and Carson was born at 7:47 am and was 5lbs, 6 oz. I am recovering great (I only had to take pain meds for a couple days) I still take the motrin now and then but the vicodin I have weaned myself off of.

Here is a pic of the babies (Jim was messing around one day and decided to take a bunch of pictures) they are doing well and they keep me very busy.

The 2nd picture is of me the night before we went to the hospital to have our babies (as you can see I was very very big and I really didnt know how big my belly was until I looked at these pictures. Of course I looked in the mirror but I really didn't get huge until the last 2 weeks where I gained about 10 lbs.

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