Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Merry Christmas

Look at their cute outfits had to get a picture!!! They will still wear these to bed even when its not Christmas, they are from Hannah Andersson (sp) my moms friend got them for us anyways she has other colors on her website if you like them and want to buy one or two.
Uncle Mikel (Jims Brother) holding Carson James, Mikel is estatic he and Lynn are having their baby boy (Dunning) tomorrow. They have to be at the hospital @ 5am like Jim and I had to Lynn wants the induction to go pretty fast so we shall see how long we will all be at the hospital :) we are excited for them we cant wait to be at the hospital to see his arrival. Lynn is at 39 1/2 weeks she was a week behind me and I delivered at 36 1/2 because of twins but my original due date was on Sunday so not that far off.
A very pregnant Lynn (Jims sister in law) holding I think Kelsey and my father in law is holding Carson anyways she still has her belly so she has a "shelf" to prop the babies on (until tomorrow that is) I have lost almost all of my pregnancy weight only 7 lbs to go before I get to my pre pregnancy size.
The beautiful family (which may I add has taken us 2 years to create, in fact before I found out I was pregnant I threw away all of my prenatal vitamins as I was done trying then the next day I had to dig them out because there were 2 pink lines) these babies are our blessings from God and I am staying at home with them and loving every minute of it. I was trying to hold up Carsons head we have some issues with him holding up his head but I know once he gets big enough he will hold his head up like his sister. Notice our basinett in the background for twins we have it right outside our bedroom for now until they get big enough to go upstairs to the nursery. The cool thing about the basinett (sp) is that it converts into a pack and play so it will be perfect for traveling and for naptimes down here.

The phrase "sleep in heavenly peace" this is the peace we get when Miss Kelsey is sleeping, she has an extremely loud cry becayse she is spoiled and wants to be held all the time :)

Jim and I got everyone webcams so I just got done talking to Bobby and Stacey and Dad and Charlie its really cool because you can see eachother when you talk, anyways I really need to make our bed and relieve Jim of baby duty and try to calm Kelsey down.
I will post more tomorrow especially pictures of the new baby Hancock...

1 comment:

Becca said...

Merry Christmas! Glad you had a great one & are enjoying your 2 adorable little one!