Wednesday, July 30, 2008


I can hold my bottle by myself
Grandma is going to give me a bath

Now we are going to start grabbing toys from eachother

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Happy 8 Month Birthday/Jim's Job

My babies are 8 months today!! Boy how time flies :)
We did alot, we went to Kohls with grandma she found a good deal I did not (there clearance racks were pretty much cleaned out). It was the same way at Belk until my mom found a cute dress hanging on the 75% + an additional 40% off rack and it was my size. I don't have any summer dresses all skirts and I wore alot of skirts to church when I was pregnant so I am sick of them plus I need to go through and get rid of some that no longer fit or I don't like anymore. I have been wearing capri pants or slacks to church and its too hot.
The dress was 17.00 and its polka dot (don't worry Lynn it isn't like yours) I thought it was and almost didn't get it but I then remembered yours has black for the top part this one is just all polka dot so don't be mad I really didn't mean to copy it was just a good deal. I also found a pair of sandals with a 3/4 in heel (since I don't wear heels) and they havy tiny polka dots on them so I will be able to wear them with other stuff too and they were 12.00.

After the babies had a melt down (which I don't blame them being strapped in the car seat then stroller would start to make me mad too). We went to the Rogers historical museum (didn't know it existed) and took the free tour (again babies weren't to happy) oh well they got over it fast. Then I ran into Sams and Neighborhood market while my mom sat in the car with the babies.
Now we are working on a nap Carson is sleeping fine Kelsey is not (what else is new) she has been teething lately and has not been sleeping well.
Its official Jim accepted a job as a senior planner I don't know what team he is working on but he will be in charge of layouts and planning stuff . We are going to Abuelos tonight for dinner to celebrate (my mom offered to babysit) maybe we wont go to Abuelos but we are going somewhere.

Friday, July 25, 2008


More pictures of Atari have finally been updated :) he is getting so big. Mer I love the little jean shorts on him they are so huge its funny.
I will post more later, the babies are trying to go down for a nap and I am waiting to make sure they are asleep before I start the laundry.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Bobby's visit

So Bobby was upstairs watching a movie and I ran into the office to send an email and I left the bag with teething tablets, orajel etc in it on the floor. Kelsey likes to play with the bag so I heard her throwing it around in her hands so I really didnt think anything of it (since I thought I had SEALED THE BAG). When I came back in this is what I found the container to the teething tablets open and them scattered all over the floor there were none in her mouth however. She must have been hurting for them (Bobby and I just laughed hysterically). I was going to use the powder for the babies mouths as well now I wont be able to (the powder is from the ones that got crushed somewhere along the way).
Dunning and Carson talking and playing Kelsey and Bobby watching
Bobby and Kelsey (in her tennis dress that Paula got her) Dunning and Carson last night just talking to eachother Dunning looked right at the camera!

Bobby left today those that don't know he (my brother) was in town for 2 weeks he came back with us from MN. I am sad to see him leave as he was a great help but I know he wanted to get home and get his braces and see my parents. I told him next year when he comes it will be better since the babies won't require so much picking up etc.. and we can take a couple road trips like to Silver Dollar City and to see Jims parents in Mayflower and go to the water park. We did things when Bobby was here but we stayed close to the house, and ran a couple errands Jim and Bobby did go canoeing one day and he had fun.
Tomorrow is library day again :) this time without Bobby uh! So now I have to bring the stroller in thats okay I will need to get back to my routine.

Lynn, Mikel and Dunning came over yesterday sine they were showing their house and Lynn was going out for the evening for dinner so Mikel came over after work to eat and take Dunning home.

Kelsey still hasn't got her teeth in yet like Carson has, however she has gotten a bad diaper rash because of teething (I want them to break through now she is in pain and has her fingers in her mouth all the time). I put a lot of ointment yesterday and last night I put on the prescription cream Nystatin on it and some stuff called Lantiseptic (which is a skin protectant) this stuff works better then the butt paste did she is so much better today.

This is the first time she has gone to town in the jumperoo she was doing this for like 45 minutes yesterday of course she was squealing at the same time too.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Library Day and Other happenings

Carson at the library (he was so content listening to Miss Sue Ann) its amazing to see how much they have changed in their attention spans since we originally started going to the library
Miss Kelsey she was so so, she wanted to stand the whole time this is the only time she really wanted to sit
All of the cousins and Isabella, Kelsey was crying so Isabella had her hand out trying to calm her down :) Kelsey is so flexible.
OOOO I am stuck can I get out!! of course I can Mommy I just like to see the view under the sofa maybe I will dust for you while I am down here (hee hee).
MMMM I am teething and these feel good on my gums and I can chew them with the 2 teeth I have
If I could just get the orajel or teething tablets I would be in a better mood

I am down 5lbs so I have 5 more to go to get to my pre pregnancy weight!! WHOO HOO!!!
I think alot of it has to do with the walking (Carla and I usually walk every morning, unless its raining) but she starts school on the 14th of August so I will be needing a new partner Jana??? Maybe we will go later since Jana will be taking the girls to school in the morning. Also I have been going to tone and tighten religiously 3 times a week (except last week we were on vacation, some days I skip because I have too many things going on that week).
Carson almost started to what looks like a crawl last night on the bed he had is butt in the air and was on his hands and knees and was pushing his butt up and down and started moving his legs almost like doing what we used to call burpees in gym class (he was moving like a frog) so maybe he will start crawling soon :).

Monday, July 14, 2008

Criss Cross Applesauce

I haven't mentioned but we put the coffee table in our living room up in the attic so now the babies have all the room they want to roll around and play. It has been a lot easier because now we can get down on the floor with them and spread out and they aren't bumping their heads on the table. They do still go on the wood floor but they have more carpet now. He is doing so well sitting up, Kelsey is behind him throwing a tantrum I didnt want to move her so I just took the picture. Kelsey has no desire to sit up, she does but not as long as he does and you have to really work with her. Its funny his teeth have broken through before hers, he is sitting before her it will be interesting to see what else will happen. They say boys take longer to potty train so I wonder if they will play the switch a roo on me then. They say with twins that they will switch personalities and stuff as they get older.
I just realized I never posted a picture of the babies in their walking stroller so here they are when we went walking (I think I took this after because they were both asleep) and it was very hot. They love the stroller since they can sit side by side and babble and look around.

I have no idea where I got Criss Cross Applesauce from but the babies love it, when they are laying on the ground I cross their legs back and forth like scissors and we sing criss cross applesauce. It kind of calms them down, Bobby said he learned criss cross applesauce when he was in Kindergarten when the teachers wanted you to sit cross legged on the floor (or as some of us remember the term Indian Style) I know that word is not PC but that is the only way I knew how to describe it.

So last night Carson was on the bed waiting for his bath of course I was there watching him so he wouldn't roll off since he is a roly poly head. We always turn on one of the music channels on the tv when they get their bath while they wait (so we can keep them entertained), and I dont know if it was the beat of the song that came on but Carson started doing a Booty Shake. He would lay there and push up his butt really fast, then he rolled over and did it on his belly. At first I wasn't really paying attention because he always moves and scoots backwards but this was more than a scoot then it was hilarious. Jim went and grabbed the video camera and got more of it on video I just got a quick clip but the clip is enough to get the idea I should have recorded it longer but I had to help Jim get Kelsey Belsey out of the bath tub. I will have to get the sim card out of the video camera or hook it up to here and download that video as well. (Jim can do that since I dont know how the camera works :) ). Ignore the full diaper it was bath time and I didn't want to take the diaper off until he was ready to get into the tub no need to explain further you get the idea.

Saturday, July 12, 2008


Happy Birthday to me!! I am oficially 30 so of course there was a big party for me last night. Jim and Lynn ( mostly Lynn) threw me a surprise party at PF CHANGS and then we went to Eddie Haskels. Lynn has the pictures on her camera so when she sends them to me I will put them on here. I had a great time and was sure surprised! However I woke up this morning with a flu bug or food poisioning (sp) I could not keep any food down at all. I already didn't feel great as I seem to have a cold and yesterday my muscles kind of ached off and on so maybe this was brewing who knows. Hopefully it has passed as Jim took care of the babies all day yesterday (ON MY BIRTHDAY) I love him for that and pretty much today he and Bobby have been helping out with them majorly. Click on the link below for pictures of the PARTY!!!!! WAY TO GO LYNN

Happy birthday AMY! For those that do not know I have a cousin that has the same birthday as me only she is 7 yrs older thats NEAT!!!

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Trip to Minnesota

Jim and Atari (I think he was hungry here, he wasn't to happy)
Daddy and Kelsey
My cousin Amy with Atari (he looks bigger here)
Amy and Kelsey (She got her to go to sleep, she may have to fly down here and help me, little girl fights it alot).
Carson barley keeping his eyes open
Uncle Mitch and Atari
Carson and Daddy (I think Kelsey was sleeping in Atari's crib), Carson liked getting his picture taken
Atari he is long like Kelsey was

My step mom and Carson

The trip went great I should have some pictures up by the weekend, we are all very tired and I have laundry and other things to do to get caught back up around the house.
The babies are WAY OFF their schedules so putting them down to bed tonight was a challenge we gave them their bath at 6 and were down by 6:30 they were quiet but I don't think they were asleep. By the time 7-7:30 rolled around they were up again :) so I finally had to let them cry it out and I think they finally fell asleep as I type this, I know it will take a couple days. Maybe by tomorrow we will start getting back to normal again :)

Friday, July 4, 2008

Happy 4th of July

We are doing absolutley nothing today well I shouldn't say nothing. I am getting all of the laundry done so we can pack for our trip tomorrow. I have all of the babies stuff laid out so it just needs to be put in a suitcase (I really don't have that much left, I just don't want to do it).
Its nice having Jim here today I can catch up on getting the house cleaned up so at least we can come home to no food but a clean house :) I haven't bought groceries this week b/c I didn't want to waste any food while we are gone. I don't want that gross smell permiating (sp) my fridge from old veggies and stuff.

We are going to sit outside in our driveway tonight (after babies go to bed) at watch fireworks (if its not raining).

Thursday, July 3, 2008


This was yesterday normally she likes to reach for toys when I put her in the bumbo with the toy bin next to her, now she just makes funny faces
He kept pushing her hands away from the basketball hoop he didn't want her playing with his toy

See he was listening to the story you can kind of see Isabella as well!! She is doing a good job on her tummy
At the library not sure about this face I think she was a little tired :)

Today was library day Carson did so well sitting up by himself! There were a lot of kids there today (more than usual) maybe because its a holiday week and some of the daddy's were there with the mommy's and babies (I assume because they were on vacation from work).
We ran to the associate store afterwards to see if they had any good deals (I went on Monday but its one of those things where you need to go everyday because they are always putting stuff out) they have a lot of Christmas decorations but thats it. I thought maybe I could find some baby orajel or some cleaning products but nothing. Jim always seems to find stuff when he goes (maybe it happens to be a fluke) who knows.
We came home and had bottles and now they are sleeping, we shall see how long that lasts. I am going to try teething tablets today and see if that will extend the nap longer (since they have only been sleeping about 20 min now and I can hear some restling around in there).

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Kelseys attempt with the sippy cup, she had it in her hand and by the time I clicked the button on the camera she dropped it. Beary Bear you can push the purple button on its paw and it sings songs and everything very cool
I can sit up so well!
I think I like the sippy cup
She loves her keys this may be a problem when she gets older :)