Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Happy 8 Month Birthday/Jim's Job

My babies are 8 months today!! Boy how time flies :)
We did alot, we went to Kohls with grandma she found a good deal I did not (there clearance racks were pretty much cleaned out). It was the same way at Belk until my mom found a cute dress hanging on the 75% + an additional 40% off rack and it was my size. I don't have any summer dresses all skirts and I wore alot of skirts to church when I was pregnant so I am sick of them plus I need to go through and get rid of some that no longer fit or I don't like anymore. I have been wearing capri pants or slacks to church and its too hot.
The dress was 17.00 and its polka dot (don't worry Lynn it isn't like yours) I thought it was and almost didn't get it but I then remembered yours has black for the top part this one is just all polka dot so don't be mad I really didn't mean to copy it was just a good deal. I also found a pair of sandals with a 3/4 in heel (since I don't wear heels) and they havy tiny polka dots on them so I will be able to wear them with other stuff too and they were 12.00.

After the babies had a melt down (which I don't blame them being strapped in the car seat then stroller would start to make me mad too). We went to the Rogers historical museum (didn't know it existed) and took the free tour (again babies weren't to happy) oh well they got over it fast. Then I ran into Sams and Neighborhood market while my mom sat in the car with the babies.
Now we are working on a nap Carson is sleeping fine Kelsey is not (what else is new) she has been teething lately and has not been sleeping well.
Its official Jim accepted a job as a senior planner I don't know what team he is working on but he will be in charge of layouts and planning stuff . We are going to Abuelos tonight for dinner to celebrate (my mom offered to babysit) maybe we wont go to Abuelos but we are going somewhere.


amywelborn said...

mmmmmm, I love Abuelo's! Have some queso for me!
Congrats to jim on the new job!

Renae Burt said...

congrats Jim!

Lynn said...

I'll just take it as you have good taste in clothing! :))

Gracie said...

Congratulations on the job!!!