Monday, July 14, 2008

Criss Cross Applesauce

I haven't mentioned but we put the coffee table in our living room up in the attic so now the babies have all the room they want to roll around and play. It has been a lot easier because now we can get down on the floor with them and spread out and they aren't bumping their heads on the table. They do still go on the wood floor but they have more carpet now. He is doing so well sitting up, Kelsey is behind him throwing a tantrum I didnt want to move her so I just took the picture. Kelsey has no desire to sit up, she does but not as long as he does and you have to really work with her. Its funny his teeth have broken through before hers, he is sitting before her it will be interesting to see what else will happen. They say boys take longer to potty train so I wonder if they will play the switch a roo on me then. They say with twins that they will switch personalities and stuff as they get older.
I just realized I never posted a picture of the babies in their walking stroller so here they are when we went walking (I think I took this after because they were both asleep) and it was very hot. They love the stroller since they can sit side by side and babble and look around.

I have no idea where I got Criss Cross Applesauce from but the babies love it, when they are laying on the ground I cross their legs back and forth like scissors and we sing criss cross applesauce. It kind of calms them down, Bobby said he learned criss cross applesauce when he was in Kindergarten when the teachers wanted you to sit cross legged on the floor (or as some of us remember the term Indian Style) I know that word is not PC but that is the only way I knew how to describe it.

So last night Carson was on the bed waiting for his bath of course I was there watching him so he wouldn't roll off since he is a roly poly head. We always turn on one of the music channels on the tv when they get their bath while they wait (so we can keep them entertained), and I dont know if it was the beat of the song that came on but Carson started doing a Booty Shake. He would lay there and push up his butt really fast, then he rolled over and did it on his belly. At first I wasn't really paying attention because he always moves and scoots backwards but this was more than a scoot then it was hilarious. Jim went and grabbed the video camera and got more of it on video I just got a quick clip but the clip is enough to get the idea I should have recorded it longer but I had to help Jim get Kelsey Belsey out of the bath tub. I will have to get the sim card out of the video camera or hook it up to here and download that video as well. (Jim can do that since I dont know how the camera works :) ). Ignore the full diaper it was bath time and I didn't want to take the diaper off until he was ready to get into the tub no need to explain further you get the idea.

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