Saturday, July 12, 2008


Happy Birthday to me!! I am oficially 30 so of course there was a big party for me last night. Jim and Lynn ( mostly Lynn) threw me a surprise party at PF CHANGS and then we went to Eddie Haskels. Lynn has the pictures on her camera so when she sends them to me I will put them on here. I had a great time and was sure surprised! However I woke up this morning with a flu bug or food poisioning (sp) I could not keep any food down at all. I already didn't feel great as I seem to have a cold and yesterday my muscles kind of ached off and on so maybe this was brewing who knows. Hopefully it has passed as Jim took care of the babies all day yesterday (ON MY BIRTHDAY) I love him for that and pretty much today he and Bobby have been helping out with them majorly. Click on the link below for pictures of the PARTY!!!!! WAY TO GO LYNN

Happy birthday AMY! For those that do not know I have a cousin that has the same birthday as me only she is 7 yrs older thats NEAT!!!