Sunday, April 27, 2008


It has been a really busy weekend, Jim and I go to Vegas tomorrow so we have been busy cleaning up the house and I had to finish planting some flowers yesterday.

We did make it to church this morning (we didn't go last week because both babies had colds) Carson is still congested I think it is allergy related. Jim did come home early from work on Friday so I was able to get out of the house and run by Sams Club and Wal-mart to get some things, I then had to get my haircut (which had been 8+ weeks, I normally go 6 but she was booked up).

Here are some pictures from this weekend, both yesterday and today they had new outfits on. I didn't buy them but they were in the closet and hadn't been worn yet so I figured I might as well get them out and use them. I only attached pictures from today I must not have taken any in the outfits yesterday.
The other picture is them holding their toys and playing with them I was really impressed they both took the toys and played with them in their hands for the longest time.
Jim and I do not plan on bringing the laptop with us to Vegas so I won't post until we get home

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Library and Nap

They were holding hands here!!
This is what we learned about at the library today notice the spider in the upper right hand corner of the Easel we did itsy bitsy spider with it today.

This morning was our weekly story time at the library, Miss Sue Ann read books about ducks. Carson was not having it today at the library I tried clapping his hands and he just cried, I think he was tired he napped before we left but it must not have been long enough. They both did very well napping, Carson napped 2 hrs this afternoon and Kelsey did about an hour, then I took them for a walk around 3:30 and they slept for another hr or so I left them in the stroller while I planted some flowers and swept out the garage. If you don't recall I had a hard time with them all week wanting to nap and they were very, very crabby by 4pm.

Carson has not been waking up early at all so that is good, he still has a congested nose but now I think it has to do with allergies.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008


This was yesterday look how mad she is :)
This was before bath time tonight Jim was helping her walk she was standing and moving her feet around.
This was yesterday he was so happy :) even though he was tired

Today it was really humid outside the babies and I went on a walk this morning around 10ish but it didn't last too long because it was really hot and humid out. The babies did "ok" with their naps today only napping for about an hr each time (when I would really like for them to nap 2hrs) so of course by 5:00 they were tired again and would not go down. I think its because they have been sick and going through a growth spurt (because they have been eating a lot). Carson did not wake up at 4am like he had been doing the past couple nights the cold now is in his nose and not throat. He was waking up because he couldnt breathe!!

Monday, April 21, 2008

This weekend and today

VERY VERY TIRED!!! They only napped for 1 hr today instead of 3 naps today :( she loves to do this with her legs future gymnst maybe
Her shirt says Curves baby, again very tired!!
Kelsey was touching is face
Grandma and Kelsey
Daddy and Carson
He was trying to grab her feet here as well, thanks to Jim's parents for taking all of the pictures this weekend.
Jim's mom had her laughing about something all I know is I could hear her laugh :)

This weekend the grandparents were here! Jim and I painted our bedroom on Saturday the babies were really good too, they napped for 2 hrs straight. Then we walked with Carla and Isabella and they napped again. We bought some plants yesterday and started to do some planting for the season. Today was not so good on the napping and they were very cranky ALL DAY LONG!!

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Grandma Visit

Isabella she is smiley here!!

Today was library day Carla took these pictures (I seem to not be able to have enough hands to grab the camera and take pictures, plus Carson was tired and whiny). My mom has been here for the past couple days and leaves tomorrow morning so we wanted to get some pictures of her and the babies before she leaves and we could send to her friends and my sister.
The babies did really good at napping today Kelsey napped for 21/2 hrs for her afternoon nap and probably could have napped longer but I didnt want her napping too late and not sleeping tonight. I put her down on the mat to make dinner and she was really quiet and I came back in the room and she was dozing off so I had to pick her up and keep her awake.
Yesterday we were tired the babies woke up at 4:45am I think part of it was the fact that they both have colds (Tuesday night it seemed to be at its worse) also they were in the same crib and Kelsey manages to turn herself all the way around since we were putting them in the crib feet to feet and she ended up getting kicked in the head by Carson. So last night we put them in their own cribs and they slept until 6ish (yes 11 hrs). Yesterday was the only time they have woke up that early in the longest time and I don't want to do it ever again.
Tomorrow night Jims parents will be here so I will have more help (YEAH!!!!) I can just sit here and not do anything :) Jim comes home tomorrow hopefully this traveling all week business dies down soon, I don't mind it when someone else is here so I can engage in adult conversation and have someone else help with the babies. During the week when he is gone Thursday feels like it can't come fast enough.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008


This is after our walk (I had given him Tylenol before we left because he was running a small fever it must have finally kicked in).
I am a cool dude!!!!

Happy 28th Birthday Meredith enjoy your last birthday without kids :)

We got new neighbors today we knew they were going to close on the house today, I assume their stuff is showing up tomorrow (I didn't ask a lot of questions because it was like 9am and I just ran out to put something in the mailbox and stopped to introduce myself.

They have 4 kids, a 7yr old boy, a set of twin girls that are 4 1/2 and a boy who is 2. They are from Pennsylvania.

Carla and I walked this morning it was a bit cool but I needed to get out of the house. My mom came in this afternoon so we went to the airport to get her she came back here and is taking a nap.

I took the twins out for a walk again so my mom could sleep for awhile, tomorrow she should be all rested and we will run around town, she wants to go to Best Buy and a couple other places.

Carson now has Kelseys cold so they both were sniffling all day I would try to use the aspirator to get it out of their noses but they would get very upset.

Monday, April 14, 2008


She likes to pull her head forward and try and touch her toes almost like doing the sit ups!! He did really good just sitting there with that hand, you can get trays for these bumbos and they can sit there and eat with them or put toys on them and play.

I really started thinking about getting 1 of those bumbo seats for the babies but I really didn't want to spend $40.00 each. I asked a couple of my neighbors who have kids and they never used them since they weren't around a couple years ago and their kids did just fine sitting up and everything. Well my friend Mindy from church was selling hers so she came by today and dropped it off for $20.00 not bad. Wal-Mart has one they call it the Be Be pod but its harder plastic and they only have 1 color this 1 is styrofoamie (sp) and is softer. Anyways if it works out I may get another one but I will have to drive to Target in Fayetteville there is a consignment store by my house that carries them new but they are out. So we will see, I may be able to get away with just 1 they can only use it up to like 22 lbs anyway.

My neighbor and walking buddy Carla came over today since my mom will be here all week and we haven't walked she needed some adult conversation. Isabella pretty much slept since she didn't feel that well.

Yesterday Kelsey had a slight fever 99.1 and now she has a cold and runny nose (poor thing) so far Carson doesn't have it but it will be just a matter of time I am sure. I am positive they got it from the church nursery since people drop their kids off sick.

The babies only took 2 naps today so they were pretty hungry and tired around 6:00 so they got their bath and were in bed by 6:45 lets hope they sleep until 7. They have been waking up early the past few days and its not making mommy happy.

Sunday, April 13, 2008


I think I posted last on Thursday I don't remember but last night Jim and I had a date night and went to PF CHANGS we had a great time. Carson rolled over a couple times again yesterday (I think Kelsey knows how she just isn't doing it yet). We didn't go to church today since we were all so tired and I had to catch up on laundry and clean the house up a bit. The babies are doing well at napping I think they are getting the idea :)

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Tummy Time/Roll OVER

This morning was story time at the library and we got a late start I thought it started at 9:45 I knew very well it started at 9:30 but we made it in time.

Other than it raining here for 12 hrs straight (last night and today until like noon) we didnt do much. I walked with them when the sun came out but the wind was fast and hard so we almost got blown away.
The babies are getting really good at tummy time, except for the last picture Carson ROLLED OVER and on top of a toy so he wasn't happy there. Kelsey is getting really good at the jumperoo she is figuring out how to bounce up and down to make her toys go and she is reaching out to spin her toys, Carson does not like the exersaucer and cries with in 5 minutes I will have to keep working with him on it.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Rain, Rain go away

Today it rained again (it rained yesterday) the babies were up at 6:45 (yikes) napped at 8:45 then they woke up about 9:45 and I fed them and changed them and we went to Target so I could find a swimsuit. I did find one its a one piece as I am not ready to wear a 2 piece yet, the swimsuit is okay but for what I am using it for it will be fine. I have learned that I can no longer take the twins with me when I make short trips to shop like that for they really hate being in their carseats in the stroller and make noises and start CRYING!!! I don't go grocery shopping with them so why would I go anywhere else :). Jim gets home tomorrow night and I have to do my grocery shopping then as we have some things in the house and when he is out of town I don't make meals or anything (I just eat soup, eggs) small stuff but I need to get milk and stuff.

I think the weather is supposed to clear up tomorrow maybe Carla and I will walk in the afternoon, it is story time at the library in the morning so I will have to check with her then. Tonight was church group I dropped the twins off (as I needed a break) and believe me I came back in such a better mood. I kind of have a headache but it maybe from stopping the caffiene I cannot believe its been over a week and no caffiene I feel alot better without it. A girl in our group is Pregnant again her baby now will be 1 in June and this new baby will be born in November she thinks her due date is around the 28th the twins birthday is the 29th :) kind of crazy how those things work out.

The twins did so so with naps today they seem to be getting the hint (but they are only sleeping 45 min at a time) hopefully they will start napping longer. While they were napping I did get a chance to make a few phone calls one was to my drs office to get more of my perscription which I am surprised the nurse didn't make me make an appt to have blood work done to see if my levels changed at all. I guess I was in there in January and they did it then and it was fine so that must be good enough for them right now. She had the perscription filled for 8 refills but I have to go back in July for my exam so I am sure he will do the blood work then.

No pictures today I thought I took some but I must not have!! Oh well they havent changed that much in a short time! I dont know if I posted this earlier but I put Kelsey in the jumperoo yesterday and she actually spent about 15 minutes in it trying to jump up and down and reaching for her toys, she is trying to sit up more and more now.

Tuesday, April 8, 2008


The twins did really well on their napping yesterday except for the early evening nap at 5 they totally missed it and were cranky so I put them to bed @ 6:15 well they were up at 4:45. This will take some patience but I think I am moving bed time between 6-8 probably more like 7ish. Today they did better I put them down @ 8:45 for their morning nap (since I could see their eyes glossing over) they only cried for few minutes then slept until about 10:15, then we did the same thing for their afternoon nap. Between naps we went to KOHLS as I need to get a swimsuit since the ones I have are 5 yrs old and don't fit anymore, however I didnt find anything I liked there or that I was willing to spend 20.00 on for each piece (since I am still trying to lose that last 10 lbs). Jim and I may be able to get to Target this weekend and I will look there in the past I have always had luck finding a suit at Target (Not that I want to be seen in a suit anymore) but I am going to need it for when the babies start swim lessons.

We also went to Wal-mart but there selection wasnt that great and even though they were womens suits they still looked more teenie bopperish.

The twins were bathed fed and in bed by 7 and did much better tonight, we did miss the late afternoon nap so they were kind of fussy but not near as bad as in the past so we are making progress.

Monday, April 7, 2008

Sleep Schdule

Tummy time look at her looking at him they are almost holding hands!! She loves her brother she always is protective maybe its because she is older :) look at him lifting that head
Good job on turning the head
He hates tummy time so I put him on his back after he showed me he could raise his head.

I tried the new sleep routine today according to Dr. Marc Weissbluth the author of the book I am reading.The twins didn't wake up until 7 (after going to bed lastnight at 6:30) and we ate and we played for about 45min then they started to get worn down. So I put them up in their crib and let them "cry it out" (which Jim is good at doing I can do it only for about 30 min or so then I cant do it anymore) according to the book it says to let them do that for an hr within 15 minutes they both were asleep, however they only took a nap for 45 minutes its not the 2 hrs that the dr says but its a start. I think they only slept for 45 minutes because they were hungry because they both scarfed down their bottles when they woke up.

Its 11:30 now and they both are asleep I put them down at 11:10 (not fully 2 hrs awake) and again within 10-20 min of crying both were asleep. Carson was in the swing and started rubbing his eyes and Kelsey was in her bouncer just looking at me but not really playing so those were my clues to start soothing them to sleep. (which is hard to do by myself, the soothing cosists of rocking with them, rubbing their backs etc) so I just put them down in their dark room turn on the ipod and turn on the mobile, the same routine as night time. We shall see how long they sleep (hopefully the full 2 hrs), then we will eat and call Carla to see if she wants to walk.

Sunday, April 6, 2008

She was exhausted here kicking her legs trying to go to sleep
Eating her sweatshirt????
This is a sign I am supposed to watch for according to the book, then I need to soothe him and put him down for a nap.
Carson in the jumperoo his feet don't touch the bottom like Kelseys
Here is the exersaucer we got from Carla this works much better for Carson because his legs are shorter and this one is easier to adjust. He seems to like it for about 10 minutes, I am going to put them in the jumperoo and exersaucer throughout the afternoons so they get used to it since they both seem to like standing/sitting up now. (with help of course)

I didn't post yesterday because it was Saturday and busy as usual. I had to get the laundry finished (it was piling up) and then I cleaned the house a bit I still have to do the kitchen and bathroom floors but I am waiting a bit (I really have no desire to tackle it right now as you can tell). We had to run to Wal-Mart yesterday to pick up a few things Jim and I have both given up caffiene and I needed a sprite bad!!! So we got some of that and some picture frames and other stuff. I came home and went for a walk with my neighbor Carla and Jim cut the grass and did some other spring cleaning things.. I also went to the library and got the book Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child, I am trying to get the twins on a nap schedule lately they have been so tired by 5pm and they get into their witching hour and this book says that is not good.

I think a lot of it is I try to keep them up for Jim when he gets home and the book said not to do that, so I need to get them to take 2 naps a day and then by 5pm they wont be so exhausted, it also gives me the cues I need to see when they are tired. I am going to try and finish it up soon and take good notes (because it also talks about toddlers and their sleep patterns as well).

The twins sleep all night long so thats not the issue I just need them to not be so crabby and fussy by mid afternoon.

We went to church this morning (I like to go to the 9:15 service because then it doesn't feel like you have wasted your day) at least in the summer time. Plus we are up at 7 usually with the babies so why not go. Jim has to do a few more things today for spring and I am going to go walk with Carla again. The babies are sleeping right now (I guess this is their mid morning nap) I wonder how long they will sleep the book says 2-4 hrs so we shall see.

Friday, April 4, 2008

Another Day

This was after we got back from seeing daddy at work Carson did not wear this to see him I had to change him because he kept spitting up I think his tummy was hurting.

We have been very busy the last few days around here, Monday was the twins peditrician appt, Tuesday was busy, Wednesday night was church group, and yesterday was story time at the library and we visited daddy at work lastnight was Bunco so tonight will be a relaxing night. Carla who I walk with during the day except for yesterday and today because of the weather had an extra Exersaucer that she got as a gift and sold to me for $10. Jim and I will probably put that together tonight after the twins go to bed. I was going to put it together today but I just got the twins down for a nap (whic hI am sure will be a short cat nap) and I dont want to bang around and wake them up.
I didn't take any pictures at story time yesterday I don't know why I didn't I just was too busy with the twins. Dunning came to story time not that he or the twins had any clue that their cousin was there but it was fun for us.