She was exhausted here kicking her legs trying to go to sleep
Eating her sweatshirt????
This is a sign I am supposed to watch for according to the book, then I need to soothe him and put him down for a nap.
Carson in the jumperoo his feet don't touch the bottom like Kelseys
Here is the exersaucer we got from Carla this works much better for Carson because his legs are shorter and this one is easier to adjust. He seems to like it for about 10 minutes, I am going to put them in the jumperoo and exersaucer throughout the afternoons so they get used to it since they both seem to like standing/sitting up now. (with help of course)
I didn't post yesterday because it was Saturday and busy as usual. I had to get the laundry finished (it was piling up) and then I cleaned the house a bit I still have to do the kitchen and bathroom floors but I am waiting a bit (I really have no desire to tackle it right now as you can tell). We had to run to Wal-Mart yesterday to pick up a few things Jim and I have both given up caffiene and I needed a sprite bad!!! So we got some of that and some picture frames and other stuff. I came home and went for a walk with my neighbor Carla and Jim cut the grass and did some other spring cleaning things.. I also went to the library and got the book Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child, I am trying to get the twins on a nap schedule lately they have been so tired by 5pm and they get into their witching hour and this book says that is not good.
I think a lot of it is I try to keep them up for Jim when he gets home and the book said not to do that, so I need to get them to take 2 naps a day and then by 5pm they wont be so exhausted, it also gives me the cues I need to see when they are tired. I am going to try and finish it up soon and take good notes (because it also talks about toddlers and their sleep patterns as well).
The twins sleep all night long so thats not the issue I just need them to not be so crabby and fussy by mid afternoon.
We went to church this morning (I like to go to the 9:15 service because then it doesn't feel like you have wasted your day) at least in the summer time. Plus we are up at 7 usually with the babies so why not go. Jim has to do a few more things today for spring and I am going to go walk with Carla again. The babies are sleeping right now (I guess this is their mid morning nap) I wonder how long they will sleep the book says 2-4 hrs so we shall see.