Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Rain, Rain go away

Today it rained again (it rained yesterday) the babies were up at 6:45 (yikes) napped at 8:45 then they woke up about 9:45 and I fed them and changed them and we went to Target so I could find a swimsuit. I did find one its a one piece as I am not ready to wear a 2 piece yet, the swimsuit is okay but for what I am using it for it will be fine. I have learned that I can no longer take the twins with me when I make short trips to shop like that for they really hate being in their carseats in the stroller and make noises and start CRYING!!! I don't go grocery shopping with them so why would I go anywhere else :). Jim gets home tomorrow night and I have to do my grocery shopping then as we have some things in the house and when he is out of town I don't make meals or anything (I just eat soup, eggs) small stuff but I need to get milk and stuff.

I think the weather is supposed to clear up tomorrow maybe Carla and I will walk in the afternoon, it is story time at the library in the morning so I will have to check with her then. Tonight was church group I dropped the twins off (as I needed a break) and believe me I came back in such a better mood. I kind of have a headache but it maybe from stopping the caffiene I cannot believe its been over a week and no caffiene I feel alot better without it. A girl in our group is Pregnant again her baby now will be 1 in June and this new baby will be born in November she thinks her due date is around the 28th the twins birthday is the 29th :) kind of crazy how those things work out.

The twins did so so with naps today they seem to be getting the hint (but they are only sleeping 45 min at a time) hopefully they will start napping longer. While they were napping I did get a chance to make a few phone calls one was to my drs office to get more of my perscription which I am surprised the nurse didn't make me make an appt to have blood work done to see if my levels changed at all. I guess I was in there in January and they did it then and it was fine so that must be good enough for them right now. She had the perscription filled for 8 refills but I have to go back in July for my exam so I am sure he will do the blood work then.

No pictures today I thought I took some but I must not have!! Oh well they havent changed that much in a short time! I dont know if I posted this earlier but I put Kelsey in the jumperoo yesterday and she actually spent about 15 minutes in it trying to jump up and down and reaching for her toys, she is trying to sit up more and more now.

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