Sunday, April 27, 2008


It has been a really busy weekend, Jim and I go to Vegas tomorrow so we have been busy cleaning up the house and I had to finish planting some flowers yesterday.

We did make it to church this morning (we didn't go last week because both babies had colds) Carson is still congested I think it is allergy related. Jim did come home early from work on Friday so I was able to get out of the house and run by Sams Club and Wal-mart to get some things, I then had to get my haircut (which had been 8+ weeks, I normally go 6 but she was booked up).

Here are some pictures from this weekend, both yesterday and today they had new outfits on. I didn't buy them but they were in the closet and hadn't been worn yet so I figured I might as well get them out and use them. I only attached pictures from today I must not have taken any in the outfits yesterday.
The other picture is them holding their toys and playing with them I was really impressed they both took the toys and played with them in their hands for the longest time.
Jim and I do not plan on bringing the laptop with us to Vegas so I won't post until we get home

1 comment:

Lynn said...

I like Carson's suit! It makes him look like a little Jimmy!