Monday, April 7, 2008

Sleep Schdule

Tummy time look at her looking at him they are almost holding hands!! She loves her brother she always is protective maybe its because she is older :) look at him lifting that head
Good job on turning the head
He hates tummy time so I put him on his back after he showed me he could raise his head.

I tried the new sleep routine today according to Dr. Marc Weissbluth the author of the book I am reading.The twins didn't wake up until 7 (after going to bed lastnight at 6:30) and we ate and we played for about 45min then they started to get worn down. So I put them up in their crib and let them "cry it out" (which Jim is good at doing I can do it only for about 30 min or so then I cant do it anymore) according to the book it says to let them do that for an hr within 15 minutes they both were asleep, however they only took a nap for 45 minutes its not the 2 hrs that the dr says but its a start. I think they only slept for 45 minutes because they were hungry because they both scarfed down their bottles when they woke up.

Its 11:30 now and they both are asleep I put them down at 11:10 (not fully 2 hrs awake) and again within 10-20 min of crying both were asleep. Carson was in the swing and started rubbing his eyes and Kelsey was in her bouncer just looking at me but not really playing so those were my clues to start soothing them to sleep. (which is hard to do by myself, the soothing cosists of rocking with them, rubbing their backs etc) so I just put them down in their dark room turn on the ipod and turn on the mobile, the same routine as night time. We shall see how long they sleep (hopefully the full 2 hrs), then we will eat and call Carla to see if she wants to walk.

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