Tuesday, April 8, 2008


The twins did really well on their napping yesterday except for the early evening nap at 5 they totally missed it and were cranky so I put them to bed @ 6:15 well they were up at 4:45. This will take some patience but I think I am moving bed time between 6-8 probably more like 7ish. Today they did better I put them down @ 8:45 for their morning nap (since I could see their eyes glossing over) they only cried for few minutes then slept until about 10:15, then we did the same thing for their afternoon nap. Between naps we went to KOHLS as I need to get a swimsuit since the ones I have are 5 yrs old and don't fit anymore, however I didnt find anything I liked there or that I was willing to spend 20.00 on for each piece (since I am still trying to lose that last 10 lbs). Jim and I may be able to get to Target this weekend and I will look there in the past I have always had luck finding a suit at Target (Not that I want to be seen in a suit anymore) but I am going to need it for when the babies start swim lessons.

We also went to Wal-mart but there selection wasnt that great and even though they were womens suits they still looked more teenie bopperish.

The twins were bathed fed and in bed by 7 and did much better tonight, we did miss the late afternoon nap so they were kind of fussy but not near as bad as in the past so we are making progress.

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