She likes to pull her head forward and try and touch her toes almost like doing the sit ups!!
He did really good just sitting there with that hand, you can get trays for these bumbos and they can sit there and eat with them or put toys on them and play.
I really started thinking about getting 1 of those bumbo seats for the babies but I really didn't want to spend $40.00 each. I asked a couple of my neighbors who have kids and they never used them since they weren't around a couple years ago and their kids did just fine sitting up and everything. Well my friend Mindy from church was selling hers so she came by today and dropped it off for $20.00 not bad. Wal-Mart has one they call it the Be Be pod but its harder plastic and they only have 1 color this 1 is styrofoamie (sp) and is softer. Anyways if it works out I may get another one but I will have to drive to Target in Fayetteville there is a consignment store by my house that carries them new but they are out. So we will see, I may be able to get away with just 1 they can only use it up to like 22 lbs anyway.
My neighbor and walking buddy Carla came over today since my mom will be here all week and we haven't walked she needed some adult conversation. Isabella pretty much slept since she didn't feel that well.
Yesterday Kelsey had a slight fever 99.1 and now she has a cold and runny nose (poor thing) so far Carson doesn't have it but it will be just a matter of time I am sure. I am positive they got it from the church nursery since people drop their kids off sick.
The babies only took 2 naps today so they were pretty hungry and tired around 6:00 so they got their bath and were in bed by 6:45 lets hope they sleep until 7. They have been waking up early the past few days and its not making mommy happy.
1 comment:
The Babies room in Rogers also has the seats if you need another one. I love mine because now that Stella is eating food we use it as a highchair when we go out of town. It is great for traveling because trying to feed a baby with no highchair is almost impossible.
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