Thursday, April 17, 2008

Grandma Visit

Isabella she is smiley here!!

Today was library day Carla took these pictures (I seem to not be able to have enough hands to grab the camera and take pictures, plus Carson was tired and whiny). My mom has been here for the past couple days and leaves tomorrow morning so we wanted to get some pictures of her and the babies before she leaves and we could send to her friends and my sister.
The babies did really good at napping today Kelsey napped for 21/2 hrs for her afternoon nap and probably could have napped longer but I didnt want her napping too late and not sleeping tonight. I put her down on the mat to make dinner and she was really quiet and I came back in the room and she was dozing off so I had to pick her up and keep her awake.
Yesterday we were tired the babies woke up at 4:45am I think part of it was the fact that they both have colds (Tuesday night it seemed to be at its worse) also they were in the same crib and Kelsey manages to turn herself all the way around since we were putting them in the crib feet to feet and she ended up getting kicked in the head by Carson. So last night we put them in their own cribs and they slept until 6ish (yes 11 hrs). Yesterday was the only time they have woke up that early in the longest time and I don't want to do it ever again.
Tomorrow night Jims parents will be here so I will have more help (YEAH!!!!) I can just sit here and not do anything :) Jim comes home tomorrow hopefully this traveling all week business dies down soon, I don't mind it when someone else is here so I can engage in adult conversation and have someone else help with the babies. During the week when he is gone Thursday feels like it can't come fast enough.

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