Why do we try to pack so much in on these holiday weekends? Friday night Jim and I went with 2 other couples to hear their RVP's band play I had no idea his RVP played the guitar. Anyways it was out in Cave Springs at some guys house by the pool, Saturday we just hung around the house and Sunday Jim went canoeing with some neighbor guys and then we grilled out lastnight. Today we didn't do anything it rained off and on all day so we pretty much cleaned and relaxed. We did get our front door stained (we were going to do it ourselves but it was going to be alot of work) so we found someone to do it dirt cheap and we dont have to do the work ( he came Saturday and should finish tomorrow).
Carson's congestion is getting worse, I didn't take him to the dr because he got better and it went away for about a week and now its back full force where he is having problems breathing at night. I also noticed his ear is draining or something because there is green stuff that dries up in it and I am afraid it may be an ear ache. I am going to have to call the drs office tomorrow morning I was just there last Monday for Kelseys rash and will be back next Monday for their 6month and thought I could wait it out until then but I don't want to take anymore chances after seeing the green stuff. Hopefully I can get in tomorrow I will have to start calling at 7:55 like I did the last time so I can be 1st in the cue which will increase my chances of getting in.
BTW I forgot to mention Carson is getting SOO big and heavy that he literally does not fit into any of his 3-6month stuff anymore last week he fit into onesies and stuff just fine this week NO. I put a onesie on him lastnight to sleep in since it was hot and Jim could barely get it snapped so I cleaned out his drawer today and put away the 3-6month onesies that he wore like twice. I had already put away most of his 3-6month outfits and started putting him in 6 month or 6-9 months. UH!! Kelsey is getting big too but she fits just fine in her 3-6 month stuff maybe because she is long and skinny.
1 comment:
Hey Bridget!
I am going to add your blog to my page and was wondering if you wanted mine? It is set to private but if you email me at kdlizcole@hotmal.com I will send you the link to it! Take care girl! I love getting new bloggers!
Katie Cole
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