Wednesday, May 21, 2008

WII Fitness/American Idol

This was yesterday she was reaching for the toys and almost had them in her hand but then would drop them. I tried to show her how to put them back but she would just drop them on the floor next to her or look at me weird. SHE IS SOO SMART :)
She grabbed her OBALL!
Lynn has pictures of Dunning and Carson today (I forgot to get my camera out) I just randomly took this of her because I thought it was funny she was reaching for her toes. Just thought it was funny

This morning I went to tone and tighten at the fitness center and of course she did legs again (lunges)uh!!! I hate lunges but they work so I guess I can't complain. Lynn called me and her and Dunning came over and we walked around the neighborhood before it got too hot out it was a good time. She stayed after our walk for awhile so we could sit and visit (some adult conversation).

My Wii Fitness came in I AM SOO super excited that I met the UPS man on the steps also I didn't want him ringing the doorbell since the babies were napping. I did my 30 minutes with it tonight so I am done for the evening, I know what areas I need to focus on. OF COURSE MY BMI is not where it needs to be hopefully it will get where it needs to be soon. I will do it everyday in combination with my tone and tighten and my walking.

BTW I picked them up on Monday at the nursery at the fitness center and she was crying and apparently got all the babies in the room crying I told the girl thats my KELSEY GIRL!!!

I am flipping back and forth between American Idol and a movie on lifetime on the finale night of American Idol I only like to watch the end to see who wins I don't care for all of the othe stuff. I hope David Cook wins he is more mature than David Archuletta and I think he is a good singer. However at this point in the game they both are stars and will both get a record deal regardless.

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