Well we had hail and rain come through but no TORNADO however apparently a tornado cloud was spotted on Rainbow curve (not that far from here). I bought Kelsey and Carson some sandals yesterday at Wal-Mart, they always wear their nikes (which I get compliments on so we will be buying more) but I wanted them to have some sandals for summer since their feet get hot in the nikes. Also, Kelsey is wearing dresses more and I want her to have some what decent looking shoes to wear with them. Carson got a pair of Nerf sandals and I got Kelsey a pair of pink flip flop looking sandals with a strap in the back.
Today we went on some errands with daddy and Kelsey was mad in the car (come to find out she was burning up) not sick just hot! I noticed it was hot in the back of the van (when I was sitting back there with them to calm her down) but I thought it was just me since I am always hot. When Jim took her out of her carseat when we got home she was sweating so we can only assume it was heat related, and probably something to do with sitting in the car seat and her wanting her way.
Lynn, Gracie and I went to get pedicures and manicures today, the pedicure felt really good I may need to start getting one every few months :) now my feet will be soft for about a week. I got a lead on a double jogging stroller yesterday and went to look at it the guy wants $150 for it and doesn't need to sell it so he says so he isn't really wanting to budge on price. Its a SCHWINN and black but it doesnt have the storage compartment on the bottom, Jim didnt go look at it with me because he was in a meeting I showed it to him on the WM website, or something similar. He wants a nice one so he may just order it online but we dont know.
Something funny off the point!! Yesterday I went to grab the lotion out of our room to put it on Carson and Kelsey (they both have some dry skin) and I left it sitting on the mat on the floor. I am pretty sure I put the lid on tight but apparently not because Carson was really quiet and I went in and he had the lid off and had put his hand in it. It was all over him and his clothes (so I rubbed it in him) it was funny! I thought kids only did this when they were toddlers.
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