Friday, March 21, 2008


Dunning and Carson (Dunning has to be about 15 lbs now Carson is catching up).

Carson and Kelsey slept really well lastnight I think they went to bed at 8 and didnt wake up until 6. However Carson did wake up at 10:30 last night screaming turns out he had wet all over his pajamas, and his side of the crib. It was very nice of Jim to get him up and change him and feed him since before bed he only drank a couple ounces.

Also lastnight I told you that Jim put mulch down well we have these lights in the flower beds underneath our front windows well I was sitting in the office lastnight around 8:30 on the computer and I could smell something burning I thought maybe it was the computer or something outside. I was going to say something to Jim when someone was pounding on our front door it was our neighbor Bruce and my front flower bed was covered in smoke apparently some of the mulch was on top of the light and it heated it up and started a fire. Thank goodness Bruce was outside and helped us put it out (otherwise we would not have a house today).

I took the babies to Old Navy today, I need to get some "decent" looking clothes as I am still in between sizes and have a lot of rolls and curves in places that I didn't have before. I usually wear sweats during the day (around the house) but I need some shirts that really fit well. Some are still too tight and don't look right. They didn't really have a lot of things there today (usually I can find a lot of stuff there and the past couple times I have been there hasn't been a lot) I did get 2 short sleeve v neck long shirts, 2 3/4 sleeve shirts and a pair of shorts (Kakhi color) I have dark brown, white and kakhi (I rarley wear shorts but they are long enough that they will work).
Jim always makes fun of me because I wear a lot of button down shirts (long sleeve, and 3/4 sleeve) well I think they are comfortable and right now they seem to be working until my body gets back to somewhat normal ie... the rolls disapear. I read in parents magazine that walking while pushing a stroller is a good way to lose those last 10lbs (I have been walking with my neighbor Carla and her daughter Isabella) but we got off schedule this week due to rain and her having company in town. She did come by today but I was out running errands so she told Jim we will start up again next week.
I also and ran to Sams Club and Neighborhood market ( as we had no food in the house). I did get the babies some baby Einstein DVDs at sams it was a boxed set with 4 of them 2 dvds are for ages 3months and the other 2 are for 6months I cant wait to start playing them.

We went to Mikel and Lynns to hang out and we had ribs, beans and corn on the grill very good. We also played X box 360 I like Guitar hero however I cannot get past the 1st level I need to work on my guitar playing skills. The babies did a good job and had a lot of fun, we did not give them their baths tonight and just put them to bed in their clothes so hopefully they sleep well.

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