Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Friday,Saturday and Sunday

Grandma and her grandbabies (its hard to get 3 babies to all look at the camera) but I think it turned out great.
Carson and Dunning (Lynn had to go to a baby shower today so Paula (Jims mom and Dunning came over for a visit).
Addison Paige (I told you Jims cousin Sheryl had her baby on Leapday so she is our little leapling) she was 7lb 14oz. I am so glad she is here now Kelsey has a playmate in the family that is close to her age and is a girl. Granted there are a lot of babies but most of them are boys and not close to Kelseys age.
Lexi and her new cousin Addison she would not let anyone else hold Addison, when I was holding her she kept saying she wanted her back it was so cute.
Jims cousin Andrea and Lexi and Addison :)

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