Wednesday, March 5, 2008


Yesterday was a snow day and I wasn't sure if I was going to go anywhere in the morning, but by noon the snow had melted and the sun was out. So I decided to call my neighbor who has twin girls to come down and watch the twins so I could get my errands done. I was going to wait to go to the store and stuff until Friday when Jim gets home but decided that I wanted to spend time with him since he has been gone all week. I thought I would only be gone for a couple hours but ended up being gone for 4 hrs, they didn't mind and I got everything done.

I think the babies had so much fun with the twins because they were very ornrey (sp) when I got home and very restless. I finally gave them their baths about 7:45ish and fed them and put them down by 8:30 during their baths they could hardly keep eyes open. They didn't wake up until 4AM!!! Maybe this is a turning point and they are going to start sleeping through the night, I think the nightly routine of the bath is helping. Jim and I usually give them their baths later like 8:45ish, but I think we need to do them earlier because they have been so tired lately, like I want to start at 7:15-7:30ish and see how that works.

Tonight is Church group (which I didnt go last week we had to do childcare and I was so exhausted with Jim being gone and I didnt have a shower that day that I decided not to go). So I will go tonight, hopefully I will get some pictures then if not maybe tomorrow. We went for a walk today and I fed them when we got home (which was like 1:30ish) and they are still sleeping I am going to go run and get my food made for group tonight (while I still have a chance).

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