Monday, March 10, 2008

The nice weather and the weekend

Jim got home from his long trip on Friday so we went to the Revenue office to get a new tag for the van, ( I really hate that place and it stresses me out so much) then we came home and I went to the fitness center to work out and picked up a movie at the redbox (I had a promotional code for a free movie) even though they are 1.00 a night per rental it feels good to get something for Free every once in a while. Then Saturday Jim went to our rental house in Fayetteville to take care of some landscaping, then we went to Craig and Sheryl's to drop them off dinner. Yesterday we were going to go to church but with the time change we were behind on stuff (like feeding the babies and getting ready) so we will definatley go next week. We went to Jim's grandpas in Missouri for a little while yesterday it felt good to have other people hold the babies (the house was so warm and the sun was coming in the front window that I honestly could have taken a "cat" nap on the sofa) Jim said he could have done the same thing so we decided to leave around 6ish so we stayed 3 hrs not bad..

Before that we stopped by Walgreens as they had a 2 for 1 in their sale bill and other good deals so I stocked up on Cokes 4 12 packs for 12.00, water 2 12 packs for 5, Peanut Butter and Jelly 3 for 5, Laundry detergent 2 for 7 (which I seem to be doing more of these days but thats okay I dont mind it I like doing laundry I consider it therapy), Ajax cleaner 3 for $1 and dish soap each 89 cents. So I only spent 33.00 with coupons not bad!! on the bottom of the reciept it said I saved 20.00 with coupons and instore savings... I just wanted to share the deals I got this week, I normally dont shop at Walgreens since its in Bella Vista but those were all items we needed and will use so for the money it was a good deal. The deals were better than Wal-Mart with the 10% discount.

I was just checking the forecast for this week and its going to be warm all week like in the high 60's except for today only 57 but that is still warm. I am planning on walking with the babies htis afternoon I am waiting to see if Isabella and her mommy are going to go too, if not I will still go its just nice to have someone to walk with.

I have a baby shower to go to tonight at Mimi's Cafe so Jim will be on his own but I agreed to get the babies fed before I leave so all he has to do is give them a bath and put them to bed. They have been sleeping 7-8 hrs straight now for the past week :) the bathing routine is helping. They are also going through a growth spurt and getting big.

I guess I have to post the pictures later at blogger seems to be having an error uploading them

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