Thursday, March 20, 2008


Her dress says Little Princess (she is so a princess its not even funny) I can't believe how long she is getting I think she will be our basketball player :)
This is a whinnie the pooh outfit (kind of a 1 piece with shorts) I put a sweater on both of them today as sometimes it was cooler in the house. He was giving me the kissy lips :)
Yesterday I was reading out of a kids bible we got for a baby gift and I was reading Genesis 1:1 and this was her expression the whole time (very content and listening) I was very happy that she was enjoying the story.
She was winking at me

Today was really nice outside, compared to the rain and cold weather we have had the last couple days. Jim stayed at home today to do some evals so I took the babies on a walk in the neighborhood as they were getting fussy and he was needing to concentrate (I think they could sense he was home and wanted him to play with them) since he is normally not home like this during the week and on the weekends he isnt working so he plays with them.

Yesterday Lynn and I went to the mall in Fayetteville to walk all 3 babies (since it was windy out) and did that for a couple hours and of course I forgot it was spring break so all of the "teenie boppers" were there. I get a little annoyed going out with the twins not at the twins but at the stupid comments people make, I don't mind talking about the twins and answering questions but some people are rude about it. Or you walk by them and they make comments to whomever they are walking with (like oh they have twins or they have two and their hands full) I guess I shouldnt care but it just irritates me, its almost like they are talking about you behind your back.

The babies are really tired right now I keep telling Jim we need to bump back their bath time to 6:30 ish and give them their bottles by 7 but then he wont get to spend anytime with them when he gets home. (it's what we call the "witching" hour) So I guess we just have to listen to the loud whining and crying for awhile when he gets home at night. (This is why I am on the computer now and I have completley tuned it out).

Jim got some mulch today and mulched the front and back yard so all we have to do is buy flowers in April (after we are sure it isn't going to freeze anymore) and plant them. Since Jim was out doing the mulch all day I will probably plant the flowers all day when its my turn.

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